new patient certificateSpecial Offernow 75% off
stemwave bogo+
With this promotion, your first session is half-price at $75, plus we’ll gift you the second session for free.
First Visit:
15-Minute Session
200-Pulse Treatment
Second Visit:
15-Minute Session
200-Pulse Treatment
*Disclaimer: Although welcome for treatment, these patients are excluded from offers: 1) MEDICARE, MEDICAID, TRICARE, and other government healthcare program participants and 2) personal injury and worker’s compensation claimants. This promotion is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
take a look at what happens during your first visit — from meeting your doctor to receiving your tailored treatments
areas ofTreatment
Elbow Pain
Back Pain
Knee Pain
Plantar Fasciitis
+10 More Body Parts
Benefitsof stemwave therapy
Naturally Stimulates Healing
Reduces Pain & Inflammation
Increases Function & Mobility
Regenerates Damaged Tissue
Short Treatment Time
Improves Blood Flow
No Side-Effects
Elite-level health starts with a comprehensive evaluation and accurate diagnosis.
interested?Submit the Form
During your appointment, you will experience minimal discomfort—just a pulse of energy. Sessions typically last 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the specific diagnosis and area treated. The procedure involves applying a gel to the surface of the treatment area, followed by the use of the StemWave applicator to emit focused pulses. This non-invasive treatment does not require anesthesia or numbing creams. Patients often notice improvements after just one session due to decreased inflammation, enhanced blood flow, and activation of dormant stem cells. For more significant, lasting results, an average of 8-12 sessions is recommended.